Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Chinese Food

So I ended the last post on a weird note, what's even weirder is that I'm updating twice in one day.

BUT - I had to go call first-year students living off-campus to inform them of the student center, that was my reference to calling strangers. I ended up going for no reason because our desks were occupied by some lovely admission ladies who had been kicked out of their own area due to a pending investigation regarding a mysterious envelope sent to them.

So I met my friend Allison and we sat and chatted about all good things. Then the smell of chinese food from the campus cafeteria wafted into my nose, so I am here in my apartment, listening to workers outside put carpet in the hallway and eating my chinese food.

I do believe I'm going to pop in the episode "Swarley" from How I Met Your Mother, and maybe do something accomplishing such as buy groceries or put my clothes away. Realistically it probably won't happen, I'll just bum around until Maddy calls me and we go get ready to see a free Fall Out Boy concert in a parking lot.

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