Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dreams Were Thunder

Here we are. A new blog. Again. A misty October morning in Toronto.

I swear I discovered the internet shortly after I learned to walk and since then I have made a million blogs, I counted, it's a million I'm sure of it. Generally I update everyday or so for the first bit, then I just stop and forget my blog existed and never feel the urge to pick it up again. In an effort to make myself feel more significant during this rut of my life I will try this again. I feel more like a human being when I use at least part of my brain to write rather than wasting it away in my sleep. I really do love to sleep and to be cozy warm in my bed, but lately it's not doing anything for me. I woke up at 7am on my day off and that oddly made me feel a little more accomplished, what I do with the rest of my day is a different story.

Anywho, welcome to my new blog!

The internet is terrifying, you can be anybody you want and people generally won't find out who you really are, but I'm going to try and actually be me and see how that works out.

Let's start...

Name: Carmela, it means garden it is of Italian descent and entices many pick-up likes such as; "Caramel I bet you're sweet", "Caramel, I'd like to taste you", etc...
Age: Ripe old age of 19
Location: Toronto, ON
Educated: Second Year of Journalism at Ryerson

I do believe that is a good start in getting to know me right now, whoever may be reading this. I must now toss some clothes on and hop over to call strangers! Lots of fun!

Ta ta!

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